söndag, december 09, 2007

Jacks Resa: Drömjobb

Jacks Resa: Drömjobb

Bob Marley - Redemption Song

Old pirates, yes, they rob i;
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took i
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the and of the almighty.
We forward in this generation
Wont you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look? ooh!
Some say its just a part of it:
Weve got to fulfil de book.

Wont you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.
/guitar break/
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our mind.
Wo! have no fear for atomic energy,
cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Yes, some say its just a part of it:
Weve got to fulfil de book.
Wont you help to sing
Dese songs of freedom? -
cause all I ever had:
Redemption songs -
All I ever had:
Redemption songs:
These songs of freedom,
Songs of freedom.

lördag, december 08, 2007

lördag, november 24, 2007

The Art of Living Central Projects Department

Dear all!

Here in CPD, Central Projects Department, the phones keeps calling. There is a All India NGO Summit for environment going to happen here in the Art of Living International Centre on the 31th of Jan to 2nd of Feb.

Tomorrow there is a wedding in the Ashram and on monday, Salil Shetty, the Director of UNMC from New Work is coming to meet Sri Sri regarding the campaign to eradicate poverty and for the millenium goals.

We're working on finishing an E-booklet with the Art of Living's SUSO (Stand Up Speak Out) events that happened all around the world the 17th of Oct, to UNMC, AOL coordinators and all of U.

Best regards Jack

fredag, november 23, 2007

Yogis in action

DSC02038, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Farbrorn (yogin) till höger är 99 år! (Han till vänster (Sri Sri) är 51.) :)

VM in the morning

DSC02028, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

VM by night

DSC02027, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Vishalakshi Mantap. Vishalakshi means one of broad vision. It's 108 feet tall and has 5 levels that indicates the 5 elements of nature. (Earth, fire, water, air and eter (space).

fredag, november 16, 2007

4 da love

You just have to see the photos from the time here in Bangalore
Ashram that Dan "the man" put up on his blog:


Photo taken by Danke, http://4dalove.org

Efter frukost 15 nov 2007, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Före frukost 15 nov 2007, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Solned med Guruji mediterar, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Solnedgång, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Roommates, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Guruji 2 10 nov, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Guruji 10 nov, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Rochni in Satsang 10 nov VM, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Tania VM 9 nov 2007, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Gurupooja VM 9 nov 2007, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Tania, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Rochni, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Alex och Guruji i telefon, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Dinner, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Jack med kor, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

torsdag, november 15, 2007

Sri Sri Schedule

19th - 26th Nov
Bangalore, India

27th - 28th Nov

30th Nov - 5th Dec

6th - 7th Dec

13th Dec - 18th Dec
Bangalore, India

20th Dec - 31st Dec

Geronimo i blåvitt, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Änglarna finns överallt. Geronimo från Argentina.

Visste ni förresten att Boca Juniors gula och blå färger kommer från Sveriges flagga!!?

During its first years, Boca Juniors wore different shirts that were changed constantly until the well-known classic blue and yellow one was adopted.
The first shirt was pink, followed by a vertically striped black and white one until 1907, when both yellow and blue colors were adopted. These colors were taken from the swedish flag on a boat which was moored in the port during those days
Boca Juniors shows a great track record in amateur competitions, wining 7 titles. 1919, 1920, 1923, 1924, 1926, 1930 Championships and the Honour Cup in 1925.


I Ashramets eget Ayurveda "Spa".

Service, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Argentina girls, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Argentina Lorena

onsdag, november 14, 2007

tisdag, november 13, 2007

Stolta Svenskar ger mest och kan ge mer. Nu.

Se http://www.poverty.com/internationalaid.html


2006 International Aid Donated (Official Development Assistance)

COUNTRY For each $100 earned in the country, how much is donated in aid

Aid as % of income
How close the country is to reaching the 0.7% goal

Sweden 103 cents 1.03 Already reached goal
Luxembourg 89 cents 0.89 Already reached goal
Norway 89 cents 0.89 Already reached goal
Netherlands 81 cents 0.81 Already reached goal
Denmark 80 cents 0.80 Already reached goal
Ireland 53 cents 0.53 Scheduled to reach in 2012
United Kingdom 52 cents 0.52 Scheduled to reach in 2013
Belgium 50 cents 0.50 Scheduled to reach in 2010
Austria 48 cents 0.48 Scheduled to reach in 2015
France 47 cents 0.47 Scheduled to reach in 2012
Switzerland 39 cents 0.39 No schedule yet
Finland 39 cents 0.39 Scheduled to reach in 2010
Germany 36 cents 0.36 Scheduled to reach in 2014
Spain 32 cents 0.32 Scheduled to reach in 2012
Canada 30 cents 0.30 No schedule yet
Australia 30 cents 0.30 No schedule yet
New Zealand 27 cents 0.27 No schedule yet
Japan 25 cents 0.25 No schedule yet
Portugal 21 cents 0.21 Scheduled to reach in 2015
Italy 20 cents 0.20 Scheduled to reach in 2015
United States 17 cents 0.17 No schedule yet
Greece 16 cents 0.16 Scheduled to reach in 2015

Source: OECD

The deaths you see on this site have one thing in common: they result from extreme poverty. Poverty keeps hungry people from buying enough food to nourish themselves. Poverty keeps sick people from receiving basic medical treatment or taking simple preventative measures. The vast majority of these preventable deaths occur among the poorest people in the poorest countries.

In September 2000, the 189 countries of the United Nations unanimously agreed to “spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty,” specifically hunger and the “major diseases that afflict humanity.”

To accomplish this great objective would be expensive, and the price was later estimated at about $195 billion a year. It would be very difficult for this amount of money to be raised by private charities or individuals. It would require the combined efforts of governments throughout the world to do it.

Countries Agree to 0.7% in International Aid
In the March 2002 Monterrey Conference, 22 of the world’s wealthiest countries (listed above) agreed to make “concrete efforts” towards the goal of each giving 0.7 per cent of their national income as aid to the poorest countries. This conference was attended by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, U.S. President George Bush, French President Jacques Chirac, and many other world leaders.

In the September 2002 Johannesburg Summit, these same 22 counties re-affirmed their commitment to reach the 0.7% goal. This would provide enough money to raise the $195 billion per year.

Why the 0.7% Agreement?
The countries made this agreement because they realized that it was hard for each country on its own to give a consistent, minimum level of aid each year. Despite good intentions, a country would find that the aid it wanted to give was eaten away by competing political interests, concern about budget deficits, “problems at home,” “problems abroad,” and so on. So they agreed to a minimal, flat rate that each country could afford each year regardless of its current political or economic state.

The 0.7% figure may sound complicated, but it is actually quite simple. You take the total income earned by all the people in the country and then the government gives 0.7% (seven tenths of one percent) of that as aid. Or to look at it another way: for every $100 earned in the country, the country gives 70 cents in aid.

How are the countries doing?
As the chart above shows, five countries have already met the goal to give 0.7% of their income in international aid: Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.

In 2002 and 2003, five other countries set up a schedule to give 0.7%: Belgium, Ireland, Finland, France, and Spain.

In July 2004, the United Kingdom set up a schedule to give 0.7%.

In April 2005, Germany set up a schedule to give 0.7%.

In May 2005, Austria, Greece, Italy, and Portugal set up a schedule to give 0.7%.

It was not easy for many of the countries to set up a schedule to reach the 0.7% goal. In some cases, such as Britain and Germany, it took the combined effort of many thousands of citizens writing and petitioning their government to get it done.

The remaining six countries
Only six countries have not yet set up a schedule to give 0.7%. These are Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, and the United States. To raise the $195 billion a year, these six will need to reach the goal.

These six countries are all democracies. All that is necessary for them to reach the 0.7% goal is for enough of their citizens to show their support.

Sources: UN Millennium Project, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), The End of Poverty (Jeffrey D. Sachs), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).


fredag, november 09, 2007

Vi finns!

Allt toppen i Bangalore!

Hors snart igen.


måndag, oktober 22, 2007


Guruji, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

DSC01627, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

DSC01620, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Gurujiin2cameras, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Argentina, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

DSC01632, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

torsdag, oktober 18, 2007

Everything is possible NOW!

croatia, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Stand Up Speak Out in Croatia 17th October

, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

stand up speak out 2, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Mr Minar Pimple, Deputy Director, Asia, UNMC held an inspiring speach.

Stand Up Speak Out in the Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore, India

stand up speak out, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

“The idea behind the STAND UP campaign is to remind world leaders of their promise of achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 and urge them to show the necessary political will. The participants will stand up and urge the rich countries to keep their promises, better & more aid, debt cancellation & fair trade; and the poorer countries to make it their first responsibility to save the lives of the poorest citizens and achieve real transparency and accountability in how resources are deployed & spent,” said Mr Minar Pimple, Deputy Director, Asia, UNMC.

In his message exhorting people to join the campaign to eradicate poverty, His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living, said, “All the nations of the world have come together and have set up eight Millennium Development Goals, and it will remain just a dream if you don’t stand up and participate. We all have to join together to eradicate poverty, to bring primary education, health, hygiene, care for the environment and make this world a more beautiful place to be in.”

tisdag, oktober 16, 2007

måndag, oktober 15, 2007

What is Stand Up? October 16 + 17, 2007

is a worldwide call to take action against poverty and inequality and for the Millennium Development Goals. During the 24 hour period between Oct. 16th at 9pm GMT and Oct. 17th at 9pm GMT, millions will literally STAND UP and SPEAK OUT to show that they refuse to stay silent or seated in the face of poverty. Help us break the world record so we can break the record of broken promises.


Gowrishankar about Art of living

Gowrishankar: - Ask me questions!

Jack: - Who are you?

G: - I'm Gowrishankar. I've come from Ooty. I'm working in Bangalore.

J: - Why are you here?

G: - I'm here for a job. In the meanwhile I got a very good gift to get into the Ashram. Now I am more pleased wiith the ashram and the activ

DSC01579, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Rapport från Art of Living International Centre

DSC01567, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Bangalore, Indien, måndagen den 15 oktober kl 15.15.

Det verkar ta lite tid att hitta rätt och komma på plats här. Med arbetsrutiner. Just den här veckan är ju Navaratri högtiden också.. Då är de flesta engagerade i cermonier och meditationer för kropp och själ.

Hittills har jag, i stort sett varje dag, hållt på med att få igång och logga in på datorn jag skall jobba med eller att bli uppkopplad med min dator... De sa första dan att jag skall jobba med att redigera talks av Guruji och göra en infovideo om Ashramet. Sen sa de att jag kunde gå kursen som håller på en vecka till. Det var dock för sent att registrera sig när jag skulle göra det... Jag gissar att det blir lättare att komma igång, få support med uttrustning, uppkoppling mm, och arbetsuppgifter när kursen är över.. Vi får se..

Nu önskar jag verkligen börja jobba här och ha arbetsuppgifter på dagarna att sätta tänderna i..

15.22... Vad göra fram till middag...? Jag skickar upp lite fler bilder du kan se... Registrera dig för uppdateringar och nuhetsbrev från mig uppe till höger på sidan..

Vi finns!

Från toppen av Vishalaksi Mantap

DSC01562, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Det vackra templet i Ashramet

DSC01574, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

Från toppen av Vishalaksi Mantap

DSC01559, originally uploaded by jackjohansson.

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