söndag, juni 29, 2008

Conflict Resolution training with Johan Galtung

There is an EXCELLENT opportunity to enhance your CV and gain experience inconflict resolution approaches. It is happening in NORWAY September 1 to 17, 2008. A well regarded Norwegian Professor (Johan Galtung) with over 50 yearsof experience in peace studies is conducting this training FIRST TIME EVER!The title of the workshop is ‘The ins and outs of peace practice’.PeacePointe is a learning camp for “young people” integrated withthe Nobel laureates Peace Summit and the Galtung Dialogues.

Participants will:

• Get experience and ability to look at conflicts from differentperspectives. (e.g. theoretical, cultural, and psychological).
• Learn to use the Sabona peace protocols.
• Learn to facilitate dialogues to help ourselves and others tounderstand and remove blocks to resolving conflicts.
• Co-create relevant follow-through activities in home communityand ongoing digital community-of-peace-practise.
Methods include intellectual input, interactive experiences, bodywisdom, psychological insights, structured conversations, andteam-building tools.

If you are interested, please email kamlesh@iahv.org to have yourapplication considered.


+49 151 16 500 008 Germany

PS. This workshop is in keeping with the goals and activities of the Art of Living Foundation and the International Association for Human Values worldwide on conflict resolution and peace building. Attendance in this workshop will help us to enrich our abilities and activities by building bridges to other organizations. Please see http://www.iahv.org/, http://www.sap2008.org/.

söndag, juni 22, 2008

Magnus Uggla återfunnen

Magnus Uggla återfanns tidigt på lördagsmorgonen uppger tidningen Metro idag.

– Den satt längst uppe i ett träd.


lördag, juni 21, 2008


Good News Network Shows Us The Way

I am very excited about your website. I definitely want to be part of the healing energy of your Good News Network. - Ann

Thanks for the good "medicine"! I love the Good News Network: It is helping me become "me". -Jackie B.


Active Europe Summer Camp 27 July - 3 Aug

The longest day of the year - June 21

June 21 - Share in the Celebration!

“In cooperation with national Aboriginal organizations, the
Government of Canada designated June 21 National
Aboriginal Day. This date was chosen because it corresponds
to the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, and
because for generations, many Aboriginal groups have
celebrated their culture and heritage at this time of year.

National Aboriginal Day is a wonderful opportunity to
become better acquainted with the cultural diversity of
Inuit, Métis and First Nations peoples, discover the unique
accomplishments of Aboriginal peoples in fields as varied as
agriculture, the environment and the arts, and celebrate
their significant contribution to Canadian society.” - from
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada


The Strongest Dad in the World

Eighty-five times he's pushed his disabled son, Rick, 26.2 miles in marathons. Eight times he's not only pushed him 26.2 miles in a wheelchair but also towed him 2.4 miles in a dinghy while swimming and pedaled him 112 miles in a seat on the handlebars -all in the same day.

Sports Illustrated, By Rick Reilly and teamhoyt.com.

Click on the picture for an amazing video of them
Every once and a while you see something that really
touches your heart. This video does. Sincerely - have a
look!!! Its about a father and a son who runs togehter:

"Dad, I would like to run a marathon (42,195 km),
would you come with me?" The father says yes, and
they complete it. After that, the son wants , that they
try an Ironman (3,8km swimming, 180 km cycling
and a marathon). The father says yes, and they
complete it. History repeats. Together they have
completed 216 triathlons, 6 Ironman, 20 Duathlons, 65
Marathons, 25 Boston Marathons, 81 half marathons.

fredag, juni 20, 2008

lördag, juni 14, 2008

Gratis-tidningen TilliT har som syfte att sprida nyheter som inspirerar och uppmuntrar människor att ta nästa steg i livet. Genom att läsa om de olika positiva krafter som verkar i vårt samhälle och i världen, inspireras läsarna att själva ta initiativ till positiv förändring.

Tidningen vill också visa på att om vi lägger fokus på det som är gott och bra i stället för det som är negativt skapar vi automatiskt en positivare värld.
Tidningen har erhållit mycket positiv respons av läsare och många kontaktar oss för att fråga hur de kan hjälpa till. Tidningen har också fått stor exponering i media och varit med i TV, radio och press.
Källa: www.TilliT.info

måndag, juni 02, 2008

Peace Day - 21 September 2008

What will you do to make peace?

J 23, Sweden
I will secretly spread poems of peace in public places

Jack Johansson 34, Sweden
I will share this peacemanifestation with all millions of art of living devotees around the world

Jenny 18, Sweden
I will make the day heard and hug everyone i know

Elin 14, Sweden
I will make someone happy

Jenny Schwerdt 25, Sweden
I will bake a cake for my friends to show i love them

sara berg 18, Sweden
I will think... think a little more...find a way to help... and help!

Anna Rosén 30, Sweden
I will make dinner for my parents because they deserve it

Catharina, Sweden
I will spend the day with an elderly friend who is lonely

Kim 17, Sweden
I will do my best to make a change and try to inspier other people

Kate, Sweden
I will make peace with myself to celebrate peace

Emelie Asell 18, Sweden
I will go to egalia, a part of rfsl

Hanna Borgström, Sweden
I will bake a cake for my friends because why not?

Inez Rudnik 22, Sweden
I will promise not to hit my boyfriend.

Inez Rudnik 22, Sweden
I will promise not to hit my boyfirned.

Daniel Kvist 22, Sweden
I will smile all day to make the people around me happy

Johan Lallerstedt 13, Sweden
I will remind everyone to make a difference on peace day

Ulrika 40, Sweden
I will be nice to my family and friends and spread the word about the peace day

Anki 31, Sweden
I will be patient with my colleagues for peace day

Cinzia 47, Sweden
I will do more steps in my committment for love, peace and animal liberation on our planet

Andreas Svedin 29, Sweden
I will ge någon en kram...

http://www.peaceoneday.org, http://www.peaceoneday.org/commitment.aspx



Pass it forward!

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